5/14/2006 09:46:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Greed: | Medium
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Gluttony: | Medium
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Wrath: | Medium
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Sloth: | High
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Envy: | Very Low
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Lust: | Medium
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Pride: | Medium
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Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz|W|P|114761470313627301|W|P|7 Deadly Quizes|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com5/13/2006 09:16:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|I reported to work at 730 this morning. The car I was working on when I left was patiently waiting for me to finish it. I finished my inspection, put a new air filter in it, gave it a fresh set of wipers, preformed an oil change and put 2 new tires on the front. This took me a leisurely 1.5 hours. I didnt work on a single car the rest of the day. I spent the next 6.5 hours looking at tools on eBay, eating lasagna and smoking cigarettes. It was a very slow day. Very.. very... very.... slllooooooowwwwwww.|W|P|114756999518792039|W|P|Times Beena Movin Slow, Since We Both Got Here|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com5/12/2006 06:43:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|The bottom line is theyre blue, fire retardant and have my name sewn into them. Im loving it... Thats right, my uniforms came in today. I dont know why its such a big deal but it is. Perhaps its because I dont stick out like hemorrhoids in spandex anymore. It might be the fact that I dont have to wash them. But I think its the pocket. My first couple days sucked because I didnt have a pocket for my pen, little screw driver, tread depth gauge and air pressure gauge.|W|P|114747989927149933|W|P|Youre Beautiful, Youre Beautiful.|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com5/13/2006 03:24:00 PM|W|P| WoW Addict|W|P|Sweet. Stemshul wears thigh highs and a sexy maid uniform to work. Which dealership do you work at again?5/10/2006 06:48:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Today was my second day at my new job. For those of you who didnt know I left Sears to work at one of the local Ford dealerships. There are a lot of major differences. The most notable of which include, much better hours and I get my own bay. On the down side I had to purchase about $864 worth of tools just to have the minimum that I need to perform my duties every day. And in the 2 days Ive been there Ive used every tool I bought (or a part of the set). Also, Im not as busy here as I was at Sears. Fortunately my wage is based on how many hours I work, rather than how much work I do.|W|P|114730220039299390|W|P|The Beauty of Grey|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com5/11/2006 07:48:00 AM|W|P| Unknown|W|P|do you like it better so far?5/11/2006 09:41:00 AM|W|P| Unknown|W|P|sounds awesome!5/11/2006 07:58:00 PM|W|P| Ted Torreson|W|P|I hope you used your sears discount to buy all the tools before you quit5/11/2006 10:14:00 PM|W|P| David|W|P|New job so far, it is, Craftsman and Ingersol and Rand, its true.5/08/2006 08:22:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|2 stupid bloggers made similar resolutions at the beginning of the year. They are following through on these resolutions to different degrees. In late February Shedu and I settled up on our tibs. Since then neither has been tibbed for blogger lag. Well Ive tallied up the tibs owed for the months of March and April. For March Shedu gets to tib me 4 times and I get to tib him 10 times. For April he gets to tib me 2 times and I get to tib him 14 times.
Theres something the rest of you tibbers might want to keep in mind. If you blog, you are entitled to tib Shedu or I also. Youll have to count up the tibs owed yourself but you are entitled. I would like to add an addendum to the original resolution though since I dont see some of you for 6-4 months at a time. All tibs expire after 3 months.|W|P|114713708218567919|W|P|Gimmie Some Love, Gimmie Some Love, Gimmie Some, I Want You To Know|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com5/08/2006 10:03:00 PM|W|P| Tiffin|W|P|I think that you should use the nut cracker to tib him, that thing hurts like what!5/08/2006 10:44:00 PM|W|P| katohater|W|P|what!5/08/2006 10:58:00 PM|W|P| Unknown|W|P|now wait a minute - you told shedu "no addendums" - I think that should still apply.
You kids will have to learn your lesson somehow. And if tibbing is what it is going to take then you are going to get tibbed for every forgotten post. That's what happens when you're naughty.5/11/2006 07:58:00 PM|W|P| Ted Torreson|W|P|I didn't know kid rock was into jump rope5/11/2006 10:10:00 PM|W|P| David|W|P|I didnt even notice the rope until Id looked at the picture a couple times. I was certian that it was a picture of a man coming down and a girl going up for the ultimate mid air double tib.5/06/2006 11:40:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Watch it!|W|P|114697334738196695|W|P|The Jacket|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com5/03/2006 10:34:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Watch It!|W|P|114671010268948163|W|P|In Cold Blood|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com5/01/2006 01:22:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P||W|P|114636142957657899|W|P|Everybody Looks Good In A Purple Mustache|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com5/01/2006 09:54:00 AM|W|P| Unknown|W|P|It's the invasion of the used car salesmen5/01/2006 10:49:00 AM|W|P| crazy cat lady|W|P|It's kinda sad that the guy with the cleanest shirt is the unmarried one.
He also looks the least gay.5/01/2006 10:58:00 AM|W|P| David|W|P|Those arent stains. Its water from the shaving. The camera didnt pick up the stains. He didnt have as much to shave.5/01/2006 01:22:00 PM|W|P| crazy cat lady|W|P|You still look pretty gay.5/01/2006 02:13:00 PM|W|P| katohater|W|P|they all look super gay. it's awesome.5/01/2006 02:33:00 PM|W|P| Unknown|W|P|agreed ... very gay5/01/2006 03:01:00 PM|W|P| David|W|P|Oh I know I look gay, (as do the rest).5/01/2006 06:13:00 PM|W|P| Jen|W|P|NO they look a little bit more normal then they normally do...you on the hother hand are going to give my nightmares.5/01/2006 06:13:00 PM|W|P| Jen|W|P|and why do you sides just drop off out of no where5/02/2006 10:52:00 AM|W|P| Unknown|W|P|Heh... I see a Super Troopers convention in the making. Great staches guys. Children and Stoners alike will fear you.5/03/2006 01:04:00 AM|W|P| Ted Torreson|W|P|I am in awe