9/29/2005 11:15:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|I over heard a man say this to a woman at work today:
"What Id really like to do is, stick my tongue in your asshole while my cock is in your pussy. I just havent figured out how to do that yet."
Thats all.|W|P|112805013295192857|W|P|If I Didnt Offend You Yesterday Perhaps This Will|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/30/2005 12:17:00 AM|W|P| katohater|W|P|what a coincidence! i haven't figured that out yet, either.9/29/2005 01:04:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|I just downloaded this plugin for Word that allows me to post to my Blogger without logging on. So much to everyones dismay, this is only a test.|W|P|112797024012298932|W|P|Test|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/29/2005 11:12:00 AM|W|P| katohater|W|P|i've heard about this... when someone does all their testing in public and wastes everyone's time, usually claiming it to be a "necessity."
it's one of my favorite things to bitch about.9/28/2005 10:46:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Theres a gay guy who commented on my blog a couple days ago. (Kody, Im sure youre much more than just a gay guy so if me calling you one offends you, well to bad. You are gay and this is my world over here so if you dont like it, go away.) Anyways... I check his blog out every now and then and he recently found this page. Really, I dont have anything to say about this other than a gay guy found it and I thought it was interesting. "A gay guy found it and I thought it was interesting." Yup, I said it. Twice!
Perhaps the reason I wrote this post was to say that I dont hate gay people. Im not sure why I get a kick out of calling people gay. Saying it as an insult even. Like the Jew. I call him gay all the time. I know hes not (no I dont) but I find it amusing to call him a homo. For that matter, why do I call him a Jew? What is it about gay and Jew that I find so damn amusing?
Some of you might be saying to yourselves: That Stemshul, hes a bad bad man. Doesnt he know how the Jews and Gays suffered. Well Ive got this to say. No! I dont know that and odds are you dont either. So shut up. I dont care if youre from Jewrusalem or like man parts in you. I find it amusing to say the words Jew and gay. If that offends you then too bad. If anything I should be given some of that retard help that those kids get because I have a mental defect.
If I managed to not offend someone with this post dont take it personally. I just got board. If you want to be offended go here and tell yourself I called you whichever name best fits you.|W|P|112796482909848856|W|P|Lets Treat Every Day Like Pams Mom Is Here|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/28/2005 11:42:00 PM|W|P| katohater|W|P|that's what she said.9/27/2005 11:38:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Just finished watching 21 Jump Streets Disc 3 of Season 1. I dont remember ever watching Jump Street when I was a kid. Perhaps after Im done watching all the episodes Ill have that fate again.
P.S. Dont watch Secret Window. ***Spoiler*** Theyre the same guy!!! ***End Spoiler***|W|P|112788288879254668|W|P|I Broke That Girl Down In The Produce Section|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/28/2005 01:02:00 AM|W|P| katohater|W|P|you can't spoil that movie, because i don't ever plan on watching it. like you with braveheart.
looks like you made a new pal.
"where does he get those wonderful toys?"9/28/2005 04:09:00 AM|W|P| David|W|P|Where DOES he get those wonderful toys?
Wanna know what else... ***SPOILER*** He killes them all. No one comes to save her. ***END SPOILER***9/28/2005 10:41:00 AM|W|P| katohater|W|P|i don't have the faintest idea what you are talking about, boy.
carry on.9/28/2005 04:24:00 PM|W|P| David|W|P|Yeah? Well, you actually dont mind having a mans penis in your butt either do you?9/25/2005 09:15:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Has there ever been a writer whos writing you likes so much that you just read it over and over? Well me too. As I was rereading my blog I noticed that my posts have been a lot happier the last few weeks. Theres one single factor that it can be attributed to. I no longer work at Hells Pizza. Since returning to The Village, the majority of my strife has gone away. I still get the stupid customers at The Village and there is no shortage of stupid people employees but somehow its better. There must be something in the sauce.|W|P|112769901847026033|W|P|Dont Drink The Water|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/25/2005 11:26:00 PM|W|P| katohater|W|P|there's blood in the water.9/22/2005 02:06:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|I was just looking at my recent blogs and noticed something. The last couple pictures I uploaded were done so with the size setting set to "large". Most of the older ones were all set to "small". For the longest time I was intimidated by the idea of a large picture. What if the text wasnt long enough to wrap around it? That would look stupid, right? Fuck that. These large sized pictures are way better.|W|P|112736947829112653|W|P|Super Size Me|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/22/2005 12:35:00 PM|W|P| katohater|W|P|dude, that looks horrible. you gotta wrap that shit. no one wants to read text that doesn't wrap around an image.
and why is danny devito coaching football?9/21/2005 10:37:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|My lady friend is watching Invasion right now. You know, the show where the little girl keeps telling her mom she smells funny. Anyway... It looks like it takes place in Florida. Theres hurricanes and bayous and gators and the like. What Im writing about here is, those frickin awesome fan boats. Ill bet those suckers can go like 150 miles per hour and take corners like nobodys business. If for some godforsaken reason I was to move down to Florida I wouldnt bring my car. Id sell it and go everywhere by fan boat. If I couldnt get to where I needed to go then I guess I really dont need to go there. Oh yeah, when were flyin around the bayou on my pimped out fan boat, dont fall off. Im not jumpin in after you if a gator gets ya. Unless I have that gun. Then there aint no gator that would mess with me.|W|P|112735899114781177|W|P|Baby You Can Drive My Car|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/21/2005 01:22:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|We watched My Name is Earl, The Office (American Edition) and Cry Baby tonight.
My Name is Earl lived up to the anticipation that the ads put out for it. If you want a summary of the show go here, here or here. Theyll tell you what its all about. What Im going to tell you is that with the exception of Scrubs, I cant remember the last time I laughed so hard a sit com. Finally, a show that makes it worth owning a VCR again. (Yeah, I still dont have TiVo. Someday!) Watch this show!
The Office, if you dont know by now, is a brilliant adaptation of the BBC show by the same name. Its like the BBC version in that it has the same basic premise with the same basic character but because all the actors are different it has an entirely different feel. Watch this show!
Along with most of the other Gen X/Gen Yers, I have a strange fondness for all things 80s. This infatuation is unexplainable and illogical when one stands back and looks at what the 80s did to us. Fortunately for us, love does not require logic to be intact and in fact usually frowns on it. Cry Baby is frickin awesome. I dont know if it was made before or after Heathers or any of those other great 80s "cult classics" but its one of the best. Watch this movie!
OK so when I was putting in all the links I noticed that Cry Baby was made in 1990. Are we going to fault John Waters for making an 80s movie a year late? I wont.|W|P|112728123815641277|W|P|First thing a Cry Baby Girl learns, our bazooms are our weapons|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/21/2005 02:28:00 AM|W|P| katohater|W|P|john winters doesn't make movies late. he makes them precisely when he means to.9/20/2005 06:57:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|My dogs are frickin retarded. I went to work for an hour. Yes, they sent me home after an hour. When I got home the dogs were jumping up and down and acting ridiculous like normal dogs do. I glance down the stairs and see a red ball at the bottom. Where did they find that? I think to myself. Oh well. I change, grab a load of laundry, and head downstairs. Wait? That aint no ball. Theres a frickin tomato on the floor with tooth marks in it. As you can see the tomato is in Hudsys hot spot so theres no doubt about who pulled it down from the counter. TOMATOES! What kind of stupid dog likes tomatoes? Seriously people. Its not like we starve him. I just dont get it.|W|P|112725824766674130|W|P|Youve Gotta Say What You Say|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/20/2005 09:34:00 PM|W|P| katohater|W|P|he's trying to tell you that he wants to be vegan. he doesn't like the meaty goodness of the dog food. he wants to save the animals. any dog psychologist could tell you that.9/20/2005 01:44:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|
Have you ever had it where your eyeball feels like its going to blow up? Like, theres a little twitching just below it and as soon as the twitching stops you think that thats the point when your eyeball is going to pop out of your head and land on the keyboard and look back at you. Thats how my eyeball feels right now. For some reason Im extremely hot too. I think I might be sick but its hard to tell because I didnt do a damn thing today. I would dare say I spent 14+ hours sitting on the couch or at the computer today. I spent 4 hours reading my Chronicals of Narnia, 4 hours playing Final Fantacy I, 5 hours watching football and now 1+ hours looking around the online . Only leaving the basement to eat or pee. Technically I did leave the house. I got the mail, and in doing so, stood on the street, which is not my property. Hopefully Im at the end of the sickness. I did feel a little pukey yesterday.|W|P|112719658584038485|W|P|My Eyes Feel Like Theyre Going To Bleed|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/20/2005 12:04:00 PM|W|P| Jen|W|P|wait wait what i thought you never got sick9/20/2005 01:45:00 PM|W|P| David|W|P|I dont get sick... My eyballs explode instead.9/19/2005 02:25:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|I dont have much. Ive been catching up on Whiteys blogs. I finished her Blogspot no problem but when I went over to her Xanga I couldnt read the damn thing. I dont know what you people do but yo Xangas is fugly. Thats right, fugly. I dub you Xangians as official members of G.U.B.|W|P|112711192384441929|W|P|Guild of Ugly Bloggers|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/19/2005 08:32:00 PM|W|P| katohater|W|P|someone should go to the emmies with a clear plastic bag wrapped around them. that would be fugly, but it would also be honest. will ferrell would do it.9/17/2005 12:52:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Its rained the last couple of nights here. And with the first Fall rain comes that wonderful smell that reminds you that winters coming and soon the only thing youll be able to smell is the cold.
Its almost my favorite time of year. Coat season is the best. I could never live in a place where there is never a need for coats. I mean really. Theyre so wonderful. Youve got pockets, warmth… What more do you need. “Well if its not cold then I dont need a coat to be warm, right?” Shut up. Coats are frickin awsome, and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. Bring it Shedubeard. Bring the devil and Ill advocate your ass so fast you wont know which way to Tuesday! That goes for you too Jew. This isnt a debate forum. Im just saying I like coats so suck it. If you wanna debate call up that guy from Crossfire and have yourself a happy fucking debate. Oh yeah, and dont go agreeing with me either just to be coy. Nobody likes that either.
O ke doke, preemptive anger over. We have to be right all of the time. They only have to be right once. Its hard work. This reminds me, I HATE OUR PRESIDENT. Nothing new, just a statement of a fact.|W|P|112693484058142562|W|P|Smoke is Freedom, Flame is Mercy, I am Free Tonight|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/17/2005 01:52:00 PM|W|P| Jaime|W|P|Coats?!?! You never used to like coats! I'm talking between your trenchcoat wearin' days and that leather coat you have...remember? I couldn't get you to put on a coat to save your soul.
Anyway, I don't like fall because of coats...I like it because of sweaters...mmm, curl up in a giant sweater and watch When Harry Met Sally...now that's MY idea of Fall!9/17/2005 01:58:00 PM|W|P| David|W|P|I like fall because of your sweaters too.9/17/2005 04:20:00 PM|W|P| vrblpollution|W|P|I like fall because of your luxurious beard. So thick!9/20/2005 01:53:00 PM|W|P| David|W|P|Oh yeah, and that wasnt coats Jew. It was the Nazis.9/16/2005 03:18:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|I have a little sister. Well call her Whitey. Last night I learned shes been keeping a secret for the last 9 months. She has a Blogspot and a Xanga. What the fuck? How come I didnt know about this? We have a good relationship as far as I can tell. Why are these mystical writings such a secret? Did she think we would make fun of her? Well, shes right. But whats wrong with that?
How did I come upon her blogs you ask. The Jew unwittingly tricked her into revealing herself in this post. My honey read it while I was at work and deducted the rest.
In the end, the writing is better than the Jews and more frequent than Shedubeards so shes doing good as far as Im concerned. Welcome to the club Whitey.|W|P|112689947819077074|W|P|Found Out About You|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/18/2005 05:27:00 PM|W|P| Jen|W|P|AHhhhhhhh damn it I didnt want to be found....and for hella good reason for that matter too...I'm the butt of anough jokes. I dont need more shit from you people9/14/2005 01:43:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Good golly. Its more than a week after Labor Day and I dont have my x-mas wish list started. Thats right people its x-mas season already. It seems like just 8 months ago I was standing in customer service lines with my gift receipts getting store credit. Oh wait, it was just 8 months ago. X-mas takes up 4 months of the year. Perhaps my favorite thing so far this year is the 8ft snow globe they have for sale at Costco. The pictures dont do it justice. You should go there just to see this thing.|W|P|112672068667948902|W|P|I Know You Want Whats On My Mind|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/12/2005 01:35:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Food- Build your own shish kabob, bratwurst, Daves Famous Macaroni and Cheese, bean dip, chips, fruit pizza and brownies.
Entertainment- Babies, Frisbee, killer dogs and catchphrase.
Yeah, we sent that tall mother fucker off in style.
This officially marks the end of an era. Both Kato and John Randolph are gone now. JR is gone to 'Seminary'. We expect him to be back for major holidays and semester breaks. Other than that hes gone for years. They have a lot of work ahead of them to get all his demons out.
Katohaters story is much different. Hes moving to the desert with his mom. Hell be there at least a year (they signed a lease for that long) and then theres no telling what will happen after that. We all joke with him that hell be back the day the lease ends. Perhaps thats just wishful thinking. At the very least hes said he wants to come back for camping.
What it all comes down to is this. Theres something theyre each looking for and havent found here. We can only hope that theyll find it, and when they do, theyll bring it back so we can all share it.|W|P|112654912354996989|W|P|Katohaters Going Away Party '05|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/09/2005 05:33:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|I would like everyone who drives an automobile to do something for me. Only put the fluids that are supposed to be put in your car in your car. Specifically dont just put water in your radiator. YOU NEED ANTI FREEZE. Its not expensive. Its not even hard to put in. The local parts store guy will do it for you if you dont know how. The reason you need anti freeze, and not just water, is that it has a lower freezing temperature and a higher boiling point. If you just have water in it then after driving your car the water will start boiling. Then when I take the radiator cap off, Ill burn the shit out of my forearm and chest because there was so much pressure built up that the cap burst off rather than checking at its safety point. If you dont know what to put in your car then dont put anything in it. After youve done that, ask what needs to be put in it. And dont ask just anyone ask someone who should know. Someone like a mechanic or parts store guy. Im gong to go lay down in some cold water now.|W|P|112630222801335740|W|P|Warning: Stupid Person at the Wheel|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/09/2005 08:20:00 PM|W|P| katohater|W|P|you gotta start wearing a hazmat suit when working on cars.9/09/2005 02:03:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Lately my blog has been getting more spam than an AOL account. Just as I was about to go Stalin on the comment options I noticed Blogger added a new feature. Now you can require "word verification". That means that the bots wont be able to comment because they wont be able to read the picture and type in the word to verify that they are a person. Im sure I didnt have to explain all that to most of you but it made my post longer, so suck it. Hopefully this shit will work. If not, this blog will quickly become communist Russia.|W|P|112624584197690841|W|P|Im Gonna Get My Magnum|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/09/2005 12:59:00 PM|W|P| Jaime|W|P|Whoa...that's frickin' awesome. Yeah, you've been getting the shit spammed out of you lately. That sucks!9/09/2005 01:47:00 PM|W|P| David|W|P|I have been getting the shit spammed out of me. Theyve been sticking it right up my ass and leaving no room for any feces.9/09/2005 08:11:00 PM|W|P| katohater|W|P|baby mice?9/08/2005 11:57:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|
Today is opening day for the NFL season. Currently the Patriots are killing the Raiders. While watching there game there is a question that must be asked. What did they paint on the field near the sidelines at the 50 yard line. One theory is theyre Death Razors in honor of Gillette Stadium. Another is that they are people being dragged. Possibly its Shocking Grasp.|W|P|112624022191086721|W|P|Opening Day|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/09/2005 01:00:00 PM|W|P| Jaime|W|P|Nice correct use of "they're"...minus the apostrophe of course.9/09/2005 01:57:00 PM|W|P| David|W|P|Where were going, we dont need apostrophes.9/07/2005 11:57:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Just watched Best in Show. You should too.|W|P|112615341701486818|W|P|The Nose on a Blood Hound Will Beat Any NASA Rocket|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/08/2005 01:31:00 AM|W|P| katohater|W|P|aw shucks! my doctor said i was only allowed to use number 2 penis enlargement pills.
what's with the super spam lately? it's getting out of hand. it makes me want to turn to the dark side (communism).
seriously, how big does your penis need to be before you're satisfied? as far as i can tell, satisfaction is only a myth for most people.9/04/2005 09:23:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|What is it about beards. Im not gay (not that theres anything wrong with that) but I look at some beards and wonder how women can resist them. Were watcing Forest Gump on the TV right now and its the running scene. Damn thats a good beard.|W|P|112588705849065659|W|P|__IT HAPPENS|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/03/2005 11:57:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Right this very second there are women, who are mostly ugly, talking about getting to "first base, second base, third base and home runs." Very creepy. I think this is the public access channel.
Back to Walker. I used to work with someone who reminded me of The Texas Ranger. Like Q, if it werent for his beard you would swear that he was a flaming queer. Its the longing gazes I think. The same gaze my dog gives me.
It looks like the first show we were watching is called dating girl. Or at least Dating Girl is a segment in the show. There was a woman giving advice about 'first times' to someone on the phone.
What 8 year old kid has a bed time of 10 o’clock? If I was allowed to stay up that late when I was 8 Id be calling up dating advice call in shows too. If you didnt guess were now watching Sleepless in Seattle. And it looks like thats where the surfing ends.|W|P|112580913184599613|W|P|Channel Surfer|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/02/2005 02:03:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Id probably ask, "Why is it that when we accomplish something weve felt we must do we find there is still more to do and nothing has been accomplished?"
What Im refering to is The To Do List. Heres my current to do list in no perticular order.
- Finish cleaning the camping equipment
- Clean the garage
- Fix riding lawnmower
- Organize the laundry room
- Organize the back storage room
- Sell junk on ebay
- Clean garage
- Create HTML character sheet for DND program
- Put zeldaarchives.com up
This is just a sample of the things I have on my to do list and here I am wasting my afternoon on the online.|W|P|112568475827774691|W|P|What Would You Ask If You Had Just One Question?|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/01/2005 11:43:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Im sure everyone has hurd by now that New Orleans and much of the gulf cost is no longer inhabiteable. You probably noticed that gas cost $3.39 for a gallon of regular. Unfortunially I dont think most of you realize how inadiquate our president is.
Read or watch this and this.
As every day passes it amazes me more and more that you people voted for this man. TWICE.|W|P|112563807270130068|W|P|When the Levee Breaks|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com