4/29/2005 12:03:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Nearly 9 short hours ago, I finished reading The Ultimate hitchhikers Guide. Im not going to sum it up because I think that everyone who reads this blog has read, or is in the process of reading it. And really whats the point? The movies in theaters now. So now Im ready to have everything I imagined and pictured in my head destroyed because in 9 short hours or so we will be watching The Guide on the silver screen. Being only the second real* book Ive ever read, Ive never had the problem a lot of people have with movies being released based on books. I had never read the book and there for the inadequacy of the movie couldnt ruin it for me. This, in my opinion, is one of the greatest flaws of books. Yes, its the books fault, I said it. That is to say, you spend hours upon hours to read an entire book, only to have it ruined by a 2 hour movie. Now Ive seen plenty of these movies that werent up to par with the book and I enjoyed many of them. I guess what Im trying to say is that there are so many things that I want to do with my time and spending 35 hours reading a story that I can spend 2 hours watching just doesnt seem worth it to me. *Im not implying that Ive read fake books but rather that childrens books arent allowed to be counted when tallying up the number of books ones read.|W|P|111479238138728129|W|P|Kashmir|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/27/2005 01:36:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|T-minus 12 days and counting.|W|P|111458037916363325|W|P|Youll never know|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/24/2005 11:24:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Almost as if to say to the weather, "we dont care that its snowing in late April after a week of 64+ degree days," we went ice skating Friday. The usual crowd was there. You had the hockey boys there who convinced their girl friends to destroy their feet while they wore their perfect fitting Bauer and CCM skates. There was the figure skater chicks (my wife and her friend), working on their routine for the show. There were the idiots (my friends and I) who arent shaped right for ice skating anymore but arent afraid to make fools of themselves. Last but not least there was the creepy middle aged man with the expensive figure skates, headphones and little white gloves. The skates were proving that they were capable of causing much more pain than anyone who was not already frozen would have immediately ended. Being the gluttons for pain that we are we decided that a synchronized dive would be necessary. We all got on the ice and started getting our speed up. The plan was to circle the rink until there was a clearing and then all dive at the blue line and see who could slide the farthest. In the end it was determined that we all lost. Kato punctured his lung. Shedu broke his femur. I dislocated my shoulder. Were not sure what happened to uglytaco, but its rumored he teleported to Chicago.|W|P|111435811907532553|W|P|Im waxin down so that I go really fast|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/20/2005 01:54:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|I found this site lemonadegame.com. The goal is to sell as much lemonade as you can over a 30 day period. You have control over the quality and price and can adjust it day by day according to the weather. It took me about half an hour to get through the game. Try it. The graphics are stunning.|W|P|111401997435036713|W|P|With her rippin legs so bone and all|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/19/2005 12:58:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Yesterday I went over to Shedus house to help him with some landscaping and pizza eating. While I helped him eat his pizza the topic of our blogs came up. He asked if Id read his blog lately and I told him I hadnt. For a while there, he hadnt updated anymore often than once a month so I stopped checking. Well apparently hes been updating more often so Ive decided to link him up over there on the links board. One thing that did annoy me was that when I explained that I didnt check because he didnt post he accused me of not posting much lately. Now it has been 4 days since my last post. The funny thing is that its been 5 days since his last post. To that I say suck it. To sum things up, despite the fact that I post more than Shedu, his blog will be linked to as long as he updates semi regularly. The Jews blog however will not be linked to.|W|P|111393044362842866|W|P|Bad Andy, Good Pizza|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/15/2005 12:14:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|In a recent post I told you about my recent spam unsubscribe escapades. I am happy to report that in the 10 days (the amount of time some of the spams said they would need to fulfill my request) following I only received 15 spamessages. The 5 days since have been completely spam free. Let this be a ray of hope to all of you. You can relieve your spambox of all the pressure its under if youre just willing to invest a couple 4 hours into unsubscribing.|W|P|111358166559271609|W|P|DND, now theyll leave us alone|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/13/2005 01:14:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|After watching the latest Strong Bad Email I decided to do a little research on the old NES game Rampage. My search found this article. Many things struck me about this story. First, this kid got his feet on at least 49 turtles before anyone was able to stop him. Very impressive. Second, the kid, who was born 4 years after Super Mario Brothers was first released, claimed that he was reenacting the game and was preventing the turtles from growing wings and kidnapping the princess. Awesome. Next the lawyer Fred Johnson tries to equate the violence in SMB to Grand Theft Auto. Perhaps the most amazing thing is the dad. Heres a quote from him. "He's active in school sports and made the honor roll last semester. I don't know what happened. Maybe we should have let him bring his Game Boy on vacation." Maybe you should have. Let that be a lesson to all you parents who give your kids video games and then take them away for family development purposes.|W|P|111341413476570017|W|P|Since Ive been loving you|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/08/2005 01:35:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|If you didnt know already (you know who you are), Im going to be out of town for the next couple days. Were leaving tomorrow morning and coming back Sunday night. Were not really sure exactly where were going but it wont be here. Another thing. If you had any doubts, be confident in knowing that my boss is a lazy fat man.|W|P|111293876482688070|W|P|The pigs have won tonight|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/05/2005 01:24:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P||W|P|111267878570268662|W|P|PWNED|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/04/2005 11:30:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|I told you I unsubscribed to all that spam right. Well in my search for all the links I found that one company always had this message, or one very similar to it, in extremely small (were talkin 1pt here) print at the bottom of all their spamessages. Did you know that ballroom dancers hunger for English students? Bugs absolutely, positively hate the sheep. Slime balls wish to please the male chauvinist pigs. Fools torture bugs. Monks laugh it up with panthers. Wives gaze wistfully at television personalities. Of course, say the secretaries, AOL users shall become the next employees. Amphibians blame the geniuses. Bears are suspected of being interns. Only fools believe that politicians cannot understand pacifists. Heathens collect the souls of poets. Technicians disappoint the PH.D. candidates! Car owners pretend to be elephant trainers. City dwellers spit upon sidewalks. Quacks pity the hippies.Librarians spy on guys. Hermits are twice as good as extraterrestials. Judges will someday become the mad scientists Copy machine repairmen sing sweetly to crybabies. Self-proclaimed "experts" secretly love junkies. Pianists are similar to English students. According to so-called " men ", baseball pitchers just aren't happy with mailmen. In the dark of night the swashbucklers secretly admire the insurance agents. Men deny the existence of condominium owners. Caribou slap Texaco managers. Old maids worship turtles. Uncles will crush all the shoes! Seismo-zombies have always loved, and always will love, the dinosaurs. Copy machine repairmen are from outer space, say the village elders. True or false: millionaires are insulted if you call them farmers. Witches are bemused by businessmen. Liberal arts majors are looking for cannibals. Children hope to gain the favor of district attorneys. Rolfers like to watch operas about people named "Davis". Gas station attendants burst into tears if they see bookworms. Hospital patients applaud the people. Caribou are from outer space, say the Pepsi distributors. Pirates wave their hats at girl scout leaders. Mailmen deny that mirages remind me of poodles. Rumor spreads that the painters are ready to negotiate with the flatworms.Racing car drivers divorce dairy products. Sanitary engineers have nightmares of Yankees. Rodents debate with karate instructors. Queen bees disappoint the city dwellers. Garbagemen refer to themselves as hypnotists!! Did you know that Europeans massage condominium owners? Why do secretaries think that the mimes donate their bodies to human beings? Uncles shout imprecations at Trekkies.True or false: millionaires are insulted if you call them farmers. Witches are bemused by businessmen. Liberal arts majors are looking for cannibals. Children hope to gain the favor of district attorneys. Rolfers like to watch operas about people named "Davis". Gas station attendants burst into tears if they see bookworms. Hospital patients applaud the people. Caribou are from outer space, say the Pepsi distributors. Pirates wave their hats at girl scout leaders. Mailmen deny that mirages remind me of poodles. Rumor spreads that the painters are ready to negotiate with the flatworms.Racing car drivers divorce dairy products. Sanitary engineers have nightmares of Yankees. Rodents debate with karate instructors. Queen bees disappoint the city dwellers. Garbagemen refer to themselves as hypnotists!! Did you know that Europeans massage condominium owners? Why do secretaries think that the mimes donate their bodies to human beings? Uncles shout imprecations at Trekkies. I read in the Lycos newsletter that bestselling authors fight over the hippies! Why do you deny that the marsupials are believed to be psychoanalysts? Locked in the safety of their bathrooms, square dancers maintain that fast food cooks punish worms.Amphibians blame the geniuses. Bears are suspected of being interns. Only fools believe that politicians cannot understand pacifists. Heathens collect the souls of poets. Technicians disappoint the PH.D. candidates! Car owners pretend to be elephant trainers. City dwellers spit upon sidewalks. Quacks pity the hippies.Librarians spy on guys. Hermits are twice as good as extraterrestials. Judges will someday become the mad scientists Copy machine repairmen sing sweetly to crybabies. Self-proclaimed "experts" secretly love junkies. Pianists are similar to English students. According to so-called " men ", baseball pitchers just aren't happy with mailmen. In the dark of night the swashbucklers secretly admire the insurance agents.Young couples want to rid the world of podiatrists. Why do you deny that the opera singers long for people named "Davis"? According to so-called "hominids ", horses educate the pirates . Why do tenors insist in believing that civil servants are allergic to students? Did you see the PBS documentary about executives which claimed that children are often described as magicians? Children are very motherly towards women! Cat lovers spy on parasites. Why do hard rock geologists deny that the mailmen remind me of tax collectors? Cyborgs secretly admire subterraneans.Was it the topologists who told me that the bookworms show contempt for termites? Fathers search Yahoo for sites on quacks. Old-timers, for the most part, believe judges prefer to be called VCR owners. Technicians follow the herds of Sumo wrestlers. Ants sing sweetly to ghouls. Queen bees were raised by flatworms. Ants claim that the seismo-zombies pander to the whims of milkmen. Termites run circles around the fanatics. Blenders scare the pants off of savants. Junkies vanquish the Amway distributors. Termites are ready to negotiate with the illegal aliens! Civil engineers travel far to see bankers. Perot held up a chart labelled "auto mechanics " and claimed that high school students disregard the Texans. Engineering geologists are suspected of being bowlers. Was it the policemen who told me that the bears join pyramid schemes with phlebotemists? At the impeachment hearings, it was generally concluded that rolfers go for the notary publics. Horses gaze wistfully at eskimos. I know for a fact that the artists will never employ Aggies. Why do dance therapists insist in believing that pigs panic the nuclear physicists? Janitors eat goblins. Seismo-zombies may be dogs. Auto mechanics entertain people. My actors frighten reflection seismologists. In the dark of night the civil servants say nasty things about Democrats. Senators viciously malign the lawyers. Health food fanatics do not trust scholars. Cadets devour creationists! Lion tamers taunt jockeys. Conservatives go for the jerks. Tourists court district attorneys. Did you know that ballroom dancers hunger for English students? Bugs absolutely, positively hate the sheep. Slime balls wish to please the male chauvinist pigs. Fools torture bugs. Monks laugh it up with panthers. Wives gaze wistfully at television personalities. Of course, say the secretaries, AOL users shall become the next employees. Amphibians blame the geniuses. Bears are suspected of being interns. Only fools believe that politicians cannot understand pacifists. Heathens collect the souls of poets. Technicians disappoint the PH.D. candidates! Car owners pretend to be elephant trainers. City dwellers spit upon sidewalks. Quacks pity the hippies.Librarians spy on guys. Hermits are twice as good as extraterrestials. Judges will someday become the mad scientists Copy machine repairmen sing sweetly to crybabies. Self-proclaimed "experts" secretly love junkies. Pianists are similar to English students. According to so-called " men ", baseball pitchers just aren't happy with mailmen. In the dark of night the swashbucklers secretly admire the insurance agents. Men deny the existence of condominium owners. Caribou slap Texaco managers. Old maids worship turtles. Uncles will crush all the shoes! Seismo-zombies have always loved, and always will love, the dinosaurs. Copy machine repairmen are from outer space, say the village elders. True or false: millionaires are insulted if you call them farmers. Witches are bemused by businessmen. Liberal arts majors are looking for cannibals. Children hope to gain the favor of district attorneys. Rolfers like to watch operas about people named "Davis". Gas station attendants burst into tears if they see bookworms. Hospital patients applaud the people. Caribou are from outer space, say the Pepsi distributors. Pirates wave their hats at girl scout leaders. Mailmen deny that mirages remind me of poodles. Rumor spreads that the painters are ready to negotiate with the flatworms.Racing car drivers divorce dairy products. Sanitary engineers have nightmares of Yankees. Rodents debate with karate instructors. Queen bees disappoint the city dwellers. Garbagemen refer to themselves as hypnotists!! Did you know that Europeans massage condominium owners? Why do secretaries think that the mimes donate their bodies to human beings? Uncles shout imprecations at Trekkies. I read in the Lycos newsletter that bestselling authors fight over the hippies! Why do you deny that the marsupials are believed to be psychoanalysts? Locked in the safety of their bathrooms, square dancers maintain that fast food cooks punish worms. Young couples want to rid the world of podiatrists. Why do you deny that the opera singers long for people named "Davis"? According to so-called "hominids ", horses educate the pirates . Why do tenors insist in believing that civil servants are allergic to students? Did you see the PBS documentary about executives which claimed that children are often described as magicians? Children are very motherly towards women! Cat lovers spy on parasites. Why do hard rock geologists deny that the mailmen remind me of tax collectors? Cyborgs secretly admire subterraneans.Was it the topologists who told me that the bookworms show contempt for termites? Fathers search Yahoo for sites on quacks. Old-timers, for the most part, believe judges prefer to be called VCR owners. Technicians follow the herds of Sumo wrestlers. Ants sing sweetly to ghouls. Queen bees were raised by flatworms. Ants claim that the seismo-zombies pander to the whims of milkmen.|W|P|111262903506608508|W|P|Pure Insanity: Take 2|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/03/2005 09:15:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|but this might be a good reason to hate the Jews.|W|P|111257737776409780|W|P|Im not saying that Hitler was right...|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/03/2005 08:33:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Between March 14th and March 31st I recieved 108 spam messages in my gmail inbox. Thats over 7 a day. At this point I decided to unsubscribe to all of them. The tricky thing is that the easy to find unsubscribe link is only for the product being sent to you. There is a second unsubscribe link that is to be put on the master list that is being sold to all the companys who send you the email. You can unsubscribe to the individual companies all you want but unless you unsubscribe to the master list your address will keep being sold to new companys. With 3 days past since the great spamicide I have only recieved 6 new messages. Many of the lists said that it would take up to 10 days (which is bullshit if you ask me) but I wont get to upset until the 10th. When all is said and done, Ive decressed my spam intake by aproxmiatly 64%.|W|P|111257527942925690|W|P|Spam|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/02/2005 02:51:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Go see it.|W|P|111242829941249453|W|P|Sin City|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com