9/24/2004 04:32:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|http://www.creedtalk.com/ is linked to from the Official Creed website as a chatroom. Check it out.|W|P|109605801894056434|W|P|Free Pictures of Scott Stapp|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/26/2004 11:59:00 PM|W|P| katohater|W|P|this link is better. (well, not really) but notice how he has no shirt on.9/24/2004 01:34:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Im going to be taking the camping pictures down soon. Theyre Jimmying* up our a la carte* since theres no flingers* and theyre frickin huge. If you want um, youd better hurry up and get um.
*Theyre tech terms. If you have to ask, that means you dont know.|W|P|109600484439792630|W|P|NIRTS*!!! Its a fucking acronym|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/16/2004 03:56:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Ive been part monkey for three days now and Im starting to feel the burn. The hardest part is getting used to all the standing. The hot oil all over your forearm (was it four arms or forearms? As Neil would say it) is no picnic either. You get used to that though. And by, 'used to that', I mean your nerves die.|W|P|109536524476574409|W|P|It takes its toll|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/10/2004 10:05:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Like the Jew I have decided to take up work as a monkey. I just heard that they accepted my application and go in to fill out paperwork in a couple hours. Ill be staying at my other shitty job because the monkey business doesnt pay very well for unskilled monkeys and I do need to pay my bills. Im one step closer though.
|W|P|109482553753352841|W|P|You get me closer to god|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/09/2004 04:51:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Here are the keys to a successful liquidation.
- Look at the current sales trends. If people are currently buying the product then having a liquidation is a good way to go. Examples of things people buy: DVDs, Faygo, Canadian prescription Medication.
- If people are steeling it or getting it free on the internet then you probably shouldnt have a liquidation sale. Examples of things people dont buy: Music, Software, Canadian Porn.
Keep these two things in mind and all your future Bonni trunk Liquidation sales will be a success.
|W|P|109476398855044203|W|P|The priests came up to me all up in arms|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/07/2004 03:15:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|With Labor Day past it is officially X-Mas season. To help get everyone in the mood Ive begun my wish list. You may look at it and say thats only about $800-$900 worth of goods. Dont worry thats just the start. Ill clear $2000 worth of wishes by the time Im done I promise. This isnt because Im a selfish person. (That is displayed by other actions.) Its so that my wife can enjoy the holiday. She hates it when I know what each and every present is. I figure the only way to avoid this is to ask for such a ridiculous amount of stuff that theres no way Ill get all of it.|W|P|109458508564872901|W|P|Shit all over the DM seat|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/04/2004 10:03:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|It appears that The Jew has embraced his new home. You can read his new blog here. www.ajewstale.64tacos.com|W|P|109430673407025341|W|P|A Jews Tale|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com9/03/2004 03:30:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|I have nearly completed Level 1 of my The Legend of Zelda tribute site. Some of the links dont work yet but the structure is all there. Take a look.|W|P|109424000245911830|W|P|and everything looks good tonight|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com