7/28/2004 01:34:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|I hate people so much. Read this. |W|P|109099291885736484|W|P|Yet another reason|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com7/26/2004 12:42:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Ill never know why a talented actor like Samuel L Jackson does these movies. S.W.A.T. was a movie where not enought hostages got shot. Infact I cant even talk about it right now because Im so pissed off about it. |W|P|109081714043593196|W|P|S.W.A.T.|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com7/30/2004 09:24:00 PM|W|P|Blogger David|W|P|Thats right I said it. Enought!7/24/2004 03:50:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Theres this Creed Fansite that me and katohater found a couple years ago. I think Im pretty cool because I go there and make fun of them on the message board because of their taste in music. Well its not any fun anymore because they dont talk on the board. This is just another reason that even Jesus hates Creed. |W|P|109065568759544998|W|P|Fan Gal|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com7/14/2004 02:12:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|

A couple weeks ago me and the Jew were playing around with our cell phones because it was slow as hell at work and we were board. I showed him how I could forward calls from my phone to any line that I knew the number too. He checked his phone and forwarded calls to my phone. Having had our fun we turned the forwarding off and went on with our day.

About twenty minutes ago I received a phone call. Yes I received a phone call at 1:55 am. I didnt get to it in time because I was in bed trying to sleep. When I looked at the phone there was a number on it that I didnt recognize. It was vaguely familiar but I didnt know who it was. When I called the number back it went to a girls voice mail. The voice on the message sounded like the Jews girlfriend. I wasnt sure though. I know katohater has her phone number so I log onto the online to see if hes there. He wasnt but the Jew was. This is the discussion that followed:

[14 02:00] stemshul: (beep)
[14 02:00] beatrixkills: (youare)
[14 02:00] stemshul: what do you want
[14 02:01] beatrixkills: (globe)
[14 02:01] stemshul: well what else do you want
[14 02:01] beatrixkills: how bout u
[14 02:01] beatrixkills: (trillian)
[14 02:01] stemshul: (meatwad)
[14 02:01] beatrixkills: (lotion)
[14 02:02] stemshul: im not going to get the water heater tomorrow
[14 02:02] beatrixkills: so water heater huh
[14 02:02] beatrixkills: y
[14 02:02] stemshul: im going to get it sunday
[14 02:02] beatrixkills: Y
[14 02:02] stemshul: when i have the whole day off
[14 02:02] stemshul: because its something that should take about an hour to do
[14 02:02] beatrixkills: i have thur fri off how bout one of those days
[14 02:02] stemshul: much like a shower wall
[14 02:03] beatrixkills: Hey we got the pipe wrench now though
[14 02:03] stemshul: (itstrue)
[14 02:03] stemshul: im still going to wait until sunday
[14 02:03] stemshul: so is that what you called about
[14 02:03] beatrixkills: fine gay it up
[14 02:03] beatrixkills: i didnt call you
[14 02:04] stemshul: 5559865
[14 02:04] beatrixkills: yes what about it
[14 02:04] beatrixkills: I could kill you
[14 02:05] stemshul: that's stephanies number right
[14 02:05] beatrixkills: No thats the number of your death if you call it
[14 02:05] beatrixkills: (gottaplay)
[14 02:05] stemshul: well that number just called me at 1:55 am 07/14
[14 02:06] stemshul: and when i called it back there was a pretty girls voice mail
[14 02:07] beatrixkills: I fucking hate cellphones
[14 02:07] stemshul: was she checking her voice mail and called me
[14 02:07] beatrixkills: she called me when i was on both lines and it call forwarded to your cell phone
[14 02:07] stemshul: lol
[14 02:07] beatrixkills: FUCKING PHONES
[14 02:08] stemshul: X-O
[14 02:08] beatrixkills: Im talking to her right now on the phone so she said she got your voicemail calling me
[14 02:08] beatrixkills: (mad)
[14 02:08] beatrixkills: (t)
[14 02:09] stemshul: why didn't she answer the phone when i called her back
[14 02:09] beatrixkills: cuz she was on the phone with me
[14 02:09] beatrixkills: she doesnt know your number
[14 02:10] beatrixkills: and she has a crush on you, she must have got shy
[14 02:10] stemshul: yeah girls do that around me
[14 02:10] beatrixkills: Hey your David Ross
[14 02:10] stemshul: (itstrue)
[14 02:10] beatrixkills: / bearded wonder

So whats the moral of the story? Dont date Jews.

|W|P|108978677926864709|W|P|Jews and their women|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com7/14/2004 03:58:00 PM|W|P|Blogger katohater|W|P|do you need her phone number? i have it if you need it.7/10/2004 01:46:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|Firefox? I downloaded that Firefox program that everyones been talking so much about. Its pretty fancy. It allows you to cutomize alot of stuff. Definitally better than the Mozilla I was running. Its not a whole lot better than IE, but some, eh hem.|W|P|108948196507580540|W|P|Theres nothing better than a...|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com7/07/2004 01:18:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Thats all I got.|W|P|108918007949173384|W|P|Theres a sailors cap on some one who pulls up next to me|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com