4/30/2004 11:10:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|This post first appeared on my Live Journal. One of my favorite things about yahoo is that anyone can im you. I had this conversation just a few minutes ago. [30 11:01] swmich01: hello [30 11:02] stemshul: (nochance) [30 11:04] swmich01: what? [30 11:04] stemshul: who is this [30 11:04] swmich01: kevin [30 11:04] stemshul: kevin who [30 11:05] swmich01: u dont know me. r u in kalamazoo [30 11:05] stemshul: no [30 11:05] swmich01: where at? [30 11:05] stemshul: im not sure why you would want to know [30 11:06] swmich01: was going to offer you oral [30 11:06] stemshul: youre a sad sad little man arent you [30 11:08] swmich01: i would pay [30 11:09] swmich01: interested? [30 11:09] stemshul: no [30 11:10] swmich01: 50 bucks [30 11:10] stemshul: how about you give me 1000 and then ill kick your ass for you [30 11:11] swmich01: sounds interesting [30 11:12] stemshul: well that's all for today [30 11:12] *** swmich01 has been ignored.|W|P|112719328004544485|W|P|Yahoo Instant Messanger|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/29/2004 04:53:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|This post first appeared on my Live Journal. I sure as hell don't. I found out today that my dad stole my identity and used it to open a loan which he has taken the liberty of neglecting. Naturally this fucks my credit up. I get to go to the bank on Tuesday and talk to the fraud lady and tell her that I didn't do it. Then hopefully they'll take it off my credit rating and put him in jail!|W|P|112719328504373905|W|P|Who needs criminals when you've got family members?|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/28/2004 07:18:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|This post first appeared on my Live Journal. If you have to ask, then you don't know.|W|P|112719320118347927|W|P|A True Statement|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/22/2004 08:43:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|This post originally appeared on my Live Journal. This is the world premiere of my new web personality. You're gonna love it!|W|P|112719305995369786|W|P|Mind the STemshul|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/06/2004 12:00:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|It has been brought to my attention that Europeans display their date differently than we do. They put the month after the day. So using the metric way of measurement today is 6/4.|W|P|111629395004191212|W|P|Metric (retro)|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/04/2004 12:00:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Please do everyone a favor and don't forget the spring equinox.|W|P|111629387898890782|W|P|Freak Out (retro)|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com4/02/2004 12:00:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Aerosmith came out with a new album Tuesday. It's called Honkin' On Bobo. As I listened to this album I tried to come up with a way to explain it. All I could think of was this. The bad boys from Boston some how convinced the god of the blues and the god of hardrock to be in the same room. The gods opened their mouths and the combination of their voices is this album. If you've ever listened to the blues and enjoyed it you have to buy this album. If you've listened to any* Aerosmith song and enjoyed it you have to buy this album. *Keep in mind that I don't consider 'I Don't Want to Miss a Thing' to be an Aerosmith song. Also if it's the only Aersomith song you like then you should probably be brought out back and shot.|W|P|111629382299661274|W|P|Bobo (retro)|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com