6/16/2002 12:00:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Sunday brings a new surprise for you all every week. A new person of the week. This week is going to be the last week for that surprise. We do have a very special person to end it with. Who is this week's Person of the Week. You Are. I don't have to tell you why that is because you already know. I have decided I don't like the format of 64tacos right now. As a result of this I am going to completely revamp it. 64tacos is getting a makeover. Some things will be kept. Others are history. As always your feedback is appreciated so if you have any concerns about this please email me at qorc@64tacos.com. (link has been removed) There will be no more updates until the makeover is complete. When will this be you ask? I don't know. If you would like to be emailed when the new site is up send an email to igottaknow@64tacos.com (link has been removed) with the email address that you would like the email to be sent to. One last thing to make Juke happy. Everyone should go check out www.kungfuchess.com. It's interesting. Quote of the day: |W|P|111601735123062177|W|P|End of innocence (retro)|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com6/09/2002 12:00:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Sunday is upon us. This means that it's time for a new Person of the Week. This week we honor Robert Butler. Rob was one of the best cart attendants this side of the Mississippi. He also had a second life as Sidekick Squeeg. Right hand man to Super Shovel. With their partner Salt Boy they formed the Porch Patrol. The Porch Patrol helped protect the Meijer entrance ways from pesky slip and fall accidents and allowed for easier transport of shopping carts. The Porch Patrol has retired and all members have gone on to different things. Because of your dedication and willingness to push slush around with a squeegee you Rob, are our person of the week. Quote of the Day: Who said it? The Cotton Exchange|W|P|111601711186398115|W|P|POTWRB (retro)|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com6/07/2002 12:00:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|After looking at the results of the poll, it appears that all of you visit at least once a week and about half visit everyday. With this in mind I feel as though I haven't been fulfilling my duties. Unfortunately for the website work is occupying about 60 hours of my time a week. Because of this I'm left with little time to work on the website. As I know you all would like more content I am proposing this. If you have something that you find interesting and would like it to be viewed by anyone on the internet send it to us and we'll post it here in a new section we're calling 'The People's Voice'. It could be anything from a rant on how your hard shell tacos were soggy to a movie review. Our editors will edit it so don't worry about typing or spelling to much. If it's a movie review we ask that you use the 64taco movie review system. (We'll provide the pictures so don't worry about that.) I've added an email link to the menu so use it to send your stuff. Quote of the Day:
  • That was enough heroin to kill an elephant.
Who said it? Shock Bill|W|P|111601703052703856|W|P|Stupid stupid idea (retro)|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com6/02/2002 12:00:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Here we are on Sunday again. Every one knows what that means... New Person of the Week!!!!!!! This week we honor Kreiste KAat Pfchish Maan. Critter deserves this honor for many reasons. He is a New 1. He is one of the original Basement dwellers. Despite not reaching 10th level he has amassed an overwhelming amount of clip-ons. Perhaps the greatest reason though is he enlightened us to the 64. Were it not for Pheeisch our lives would all be dull and without purpose. He is truly a prophet and a great man. This is why we honor you Codder. Quote of the Day:
  • It's a required taste
Who said it? Eric at UCC Total Home|W|P|111601678288038977|W|P|POTWKKPM (retro)|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com