3/27/2002 02:48:00 PM|W|P|David|W|P|It's time again to honor a new Person of the Week. This week was a close race but there can only be one Person of the Week. The winner is Ted Torreson. Ted has an addiction. Every time he receives a forwarded email something inside of him forces him to forward it on. Well we at 64tacos would like to be the first to congratulate Ted on over a month of not forwarding. That's why your sir are our Person of the Week. Keep up the good work.
Know someone who you think deserves to be Person of the Week? Send us a 64 word or less email explaining why they're so great.
Here's your quote of the day:
Who said it? Nancy DeBruin|W|P|111601021478096330|W|P|POTWTT (retro)|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com3/13/2002 12:00:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Another Movie Review request has been made. This time it can be answered. The request was for the movie Velvet Goldmine. It was not hard to find. It's available on VHS at Blockbuster.
Now when the request was made I had no idea the contents of the movie. After I had watched it for about 10 minutes I realized that I had seen it before. Never a good sign. If you've never heard of a movie and then come to find out that you have seen the entire movie before the movie without a doubt sucks and your consciousness has been doing everything it can to keep you from acknowledging its existence.
Goldmine is about Arthur Stuart, a reporter for the Herald who is told to do a story about a glam rock pop star, named Brian Slade, who ten years ago faked his own death for a publicity stunt. Immediately there after his popularity plummeted into obscurity. The story is very personal to Stuart as he was a huge fan of Slade and often fantasized about him.
The format of the movie is just like Citizen Kane in that Stuart finds out things about Slade by going and talking to people who knew him and then they tell their story. There isn't any striking dialogue, the cinematography is plain, and the music is at best on par for glam rock music.
To sum it all up I'm only giving this movie five short paragraphs of my time because the only people who would or should be interested in it are hard core glam rock fans and people who like shitty movies. If you are one of these people you probably agree with me and have seen it already.
Here's your quote of the day:
- I like minimalism, but only in small doses.
Who said it? T.J.|W|P|111600984799131850|W|P|Velvet Goldmine (retro)|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com3/12/2002 12:00:00 AM|W|P|David|W|P|Previously it had been stated that if anyone wanted a movie reviewed by 64tacos Movie Review that all you would have to do is ask and it would be reviewed within a week. We would like to add a qualifier to this. The movie must be available for rent on VHS or DVD in the greater Grand Rapids area or for sale on DVD. As much as we would like to review Creatures the World Forgot, it is not available for rent at any of the 40 video rental stores in and around Grand Rapids, and hasn't been released on DVD. If anyone has a copy and would like to send it to 64tacos email us from this link. (We have already gotten a copy so don't send another.)
Here's your quote of the day:
- and the whole world loves it when you don't get down
Who said it? Outkast|W|P|111600955089451075|W|P|Stupid Requests (Retro)|W|P|stemshul@gmail.com